Today I successfully defended my PhD dissertation!
Today I successfully defended my PhD dissertation! My dissertation titled “Investigating the molecular landscape of neurodegeneration with cellular and spatial genomics” encompassed some of the research that I have done in the Swarup lab and the Mathematical, Computational and Systems Biology (MCSB) program at UC Irvine. Huge thanks to Fairlie Reese for creating this amazing poster to advertise my dissertation defense.

Overall it feels amazing to finally cross the finish line after years of work. After completing such an important milestone in my life and career, I have many thoughts about where I have been and where I am heading next. After my defense, several people asked me if I feel any different now that I have earned my doctorate. While I don't think there is any tanginble difference from one hour before the defense to one hour after, there is a massive difference from the start of grad school to the end. It is no secret that even under normal circumstances, the road to a PhD is not easy. I started my PhD in 2018, my 2nd-4th years of the PhD were quite abnormal due to the COVID-19 pandemic, adding many additional challenges throughout the process. Over the years I have started to build a growing body of research that I am extremely proud of.
Despite the often strange circumstances of past few years, I have overall been very fortunate to have a lot of good times, happiness, and prosperity throughout my PhD thanks to all of the wonderful people in my life. It helped immensely to have a great and hugely supportive thesis advisor, just as amazing labmates, and a tight network of non-academic friends who have helped me keep my sanity. I will always remember Orange County very fondly as my home during my PhD and my mid twenties. In the spring of 2024 I am excited to announce that I will join the lab of Dr. Holger Heyn at the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico as a computational biology postdoc. Here I am in this photo enjoying a beautiful sunny day in Barcleona from my trip in July 2023 when I visited the lab. I am also writing a series of blog posts on this website to document my experiences as an American moving to Europe for my postdoc. While I will be sad to leave my home of Southern California, I am extremely excited to start a new chapter of my life in Barcelona!