Construct a unified network plot comprising hub genes for multiple modules.
mods = "all",
n_hubs = 6,
n_other = 3,
sample_edges = TRUE,
edge_prop = 0.5,
return_graph = FALSE,
edge.alpha = 0.25,
vertex.label.cex = 0.5,
hub.vertex.size = 4,
other.vertex.size = 1,
wgcna_name = NULL,
- seurat_obj
A Seurat object
- mods
Names of the modules to plot. If mods = "all", all modules are plotted.
- n_hubs
The number of hub genes to plot for each module.
- n_other
The number of non-hub genes to sample from each module
- edge_prop
The proportion of edges in the graph to sample.
- return_graph
logical determining whether we return the graph (TRUE) or plot the graph (FALSE)
- edge.alpha
Scaling factor for the edge opacity
- vertex.label.cex
The font size of the gene labels
- hub.vertex.size
The size of the hub gene nodes
- other.vertex.size
The size of the other gene nodes
- wgcna_name
The name of the hdWGCNA experiment in the seurat_obj@misc slot
#> function (seurat_obj, mods = "all", n_hubs = 6, n_other = 3,
#> sample_edges = TRUE, edge_prop = 0.5, return_graph = FALSE,
#> edge.alpha = 0.25, vertex.label.cex = 0.5, hub.vertex.size = 4,
#> other.vertex.size = 1, wgcna_name = NULL, ...)
#> {
#> if (is.null(wgcna_name)) {
#> wgcna_name <- seurat_obj@misc$active_wgcna
#> }
#> MEs <- GetMEs(seurat_obj, wgcna_name)
#> modules <- GetModules(seurat_obj, wgcna_name)
#> if (all("all" %in% mods)) {
#> mods <- levels(modules$module)
#> mods <- mods[mods != "grey"]
#> }
#> else {
#> if (!all(mods %in% unique(as.character(modules$module)))) {
#> stop(paste0("Some selected modules are not found in wgcna_name: ",
#> wgcna_name))
#> }
#> modules <- modules %>% subset(module %in% mods)
#> }
#> TOM <- GetTOM(seurat_obj, wgcna_name)
#> hub_list <- lapply(mods, function(cur_mod) {
#> cur <- subset(modules, module == cur_mod)
#> cur[, c("gene_name", paste0("kME_", cur_mod))] %>% top_n(n_hubs) %>%
#> .$gene_name
#> })
#> names(hub_list) <- mods
#> other_genes <- modules %>% subset(!(gene_name %in% unlist(hub_list))) %>%
#> group_by(module) %>% sample_n(n_other, replace = TRUE) %>%
#> .$gene_name %>% unique
#> selected_genes <- c(unlist(hub_list), other_genes)
#> selected_modules <- modules %>% subset(gene_name %in% selected_genes)
#> subset_TOM <- TOM[selected_genes, selected_genes]
#> selected_modules$geneset <- ifelse(selected_modules$gene_name %in%
#> other_genes, "other", "hub")
#> selected_modules$size <- ifelse(selected_modules$geneset ==
#> "hub", hub.vertex.size, other.vertex.size)
#> selected_modules$label <- ifelse(selected_modules$geneset ==
#> "hub", as.character(selected_modules$gene_name), "")
#> selected_modules$fontcolor <- ifelse(selected_modules$color ==
#> "black", "gray50", "black")
#> edge_cutoff <- min(sapply(1:nrow(subset_TOM), function(i) {
#> max(subset_TOM[i, ])
#> }))
#> edge_df <- reshape2::melt(subset_TOM) %>% subset(value >=
#> edge_cutoff)
#> edge_df$color <- future.apply::future_sapply(1:nrow(edge_df),
#> function(i) {
#> gene1 = as.character(edge_df[i, "Var1"])
#> gene2 = as.character(edge_df[i, "Var2"])
#> col1 <- modules %>% subset(gene_name == gene1) %>%
#> .$color
#> col2 <- modules %>% subset(gene_name == gene2) %>%
#> .$color
#> if (col1 == col2) {
#> col = col1
#> }
#> else {
#> col = "grey90"
#> }
#> col
#> })
#> groups <- unique(edge_df$color)
#> print(groups)
#> if (sample_edges) {
#> temp <-, lapply(groups, function(cur_group) {
#> cur_df <- edge_df %>% subset(color == cur_group)
#> n_edges <- nrow(cur_df)
#> cur_sample <- sample(1:n_edges, round(n_edges * edge_prop))
#> cur_df[cur_sample, ]
#> }))
#> }
#> else {
#> temp <-, lapply(groups, function(cur_group) {
#> cur_df <- edge_df %>% subset(color == cur_group)
#> n_edges <- nrow(cur_df)
#> cur_df %>% dplyr::top_n(round(n_edges * edge_prop),
#> wt = value)
#> }))
#> }
#> edge_df <- temp
#> edge_df <- edge_df %>% group_by(color) %>% mutate(value = scale01(value))
#> edge_df$color <- sapply(1:nrow(edge_df), function(i) {
#> a = edge_df$value[i]
#> alpha(edge_df$color[i], alpha = a)
#> })
#> g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edge_df, directed = FALSE,
#> vertices = selected_modules)
#> l <- igraph::layout_with_fr(g, ...)
#> if (return_graph) {
#> return(g)
#> }
#> plot(g, layout = l, edge.color = adjustcolor(igraph::E(g)$color,
#> alpha.f = edge.alpha), vertex.size = igraph::V(g)$size,
#> edge.curved = 0, edge.width = 0.5, vertex.color = igraph::V(g)$color,
#> vertex.frame.color = igraph::V(g)$color, vertex.label = igraph::V(g)$label,
#> = "Helvetica", vertex.label.font = 3,
#> vertex.label.color = igraph::V(g)$fontcolor, vertex.label.cex = vertex.label.cex,
#> ...)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7f9f28598850>
#> <environment: namespace:hdWGCNA>