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This function visualizes the regulatory network between gene modules as a heatmap, where each cell represents the regulatory score between a source and target module. The heatmap can display either positive, negative, or delta (positive minus negative) regulatory scores. Optionally, a dendrogram can be plotted to cluster modules based on their regulatory interactions.


  feature = "delta",
  TFs_only = TRUE,
  dendrogram = TRUE,
  coord_fixed = TRUE,
  max_val = 1,
  min_val_label = 3,
  high_color = "orange2",
  mid_color = "white",
  low_color = "dodgerblue",
  wgcna_name = NULL



A Seurat object containing single-cell data and WGCNA results.


A character string specifying the type of regulatory score to plot. Options are 'positive' (positive regulatory score), 'negative' (negative regulatory score), or 'delta' (difference between positive and negative scores). Default is 'delta'.


Logical; if TRUE (default), only transcription factor (TF) genes are included in the heatmap. If FALSE, all genes are considered in the regulatory network.


Logical; if TRUE (default), a dendrogram is added to the heatmap to cluster modules based on their regulatory interactions. Default is TRUE.


Logical; if TRUE (default), aspect ratio in x and y axes are equal. Default is TRUE.


Numeric; sets the maximum absolute value for the regulatory score. Any values exceeding this threshold are capped. Default is 1.


Numeric; the minimum number of interactions required for a label to be displayed on a heatmap cell. Default is 3.


Character string; the color representing high regulatory scores in the heatmap. Default is 'orange2'.


Character string; the color representing intermediate regulatory scores in the heatmap. Default is 'white'.


Character string; the color representing low regulatory scores in the heatmap. Default is 'dodgerblue'.


The name of the hdWGCNA experiment in the seurat_obj@misc slot


A ggplot2 object visualizing the module regulatory network as a heatmap, which can be further customized or displayed using plot().


The function visualizes the regulatory network between gene modules by plotting regulatory scores as a heatmap. Each cell in the heatmap represents the regulatory interaction between a source module (columns) and a target module (rows). The color of the cell represents the magnitude and direction (positive or negative) of the regulatory score. Users can choose to plot positive, negative, or delta scores and can adjust the color gradient and score thresholds. A dendrogram can be added to cluster modules based on their regulatory patterns, and labels can be shown for cells with a sufficient number of interactions.