Compute the scale-free topology model fit for different soft power thresholds separately for each input dataset
- seurat_obj
A Seurat object
- powers
numeric vector specifying soft powers to test
- use_metacells
logical flag for whether to use the metacell expression matrix
- networkType
The type of network to use for network analysis. Options are "signed" (default), "unsigned", or "signed hybrid". This should be consistent with the network chosen for ConstructNetwork
- corFnc
Correlation function for the gene-gene correlation adjacency matrix.
- setDatExpr
logical flag indicating whether to run setDatExpr.
A string containing the name of a column in the Seurat object with cell groups (clusters, cell types, etc). If NULL (default), hdWGCNA uses the Seurat Idents as the group.
- group_name
A string containing a group present in the provided column or in the Seurat Idents. A character vector can be provided to select multiple groups at a time.
A string containing the name of a column in the Seurat object with groups for consensus WGCNA (dataset, sample, condition, etc)
- multi_groups
A character vecrtor containing the names of groups to select
- ...
additional parameters passed to SetDatExpr